Family Roles in Addiction
Please join us for the next webinar of our educational series, where we discuss varying aspects of addiction and how you can use the information presented to help make an impact in the lives of people around you.
Hosted by Brandi Ellis, Clinical Supervisor at Conewago Snyder
When: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 12:00-12:30pm
Where: RingCentral Webinar
Who: Family, community, and society members
What: Join us for an informative webinar to discuss Sharon Wegscheirder-Cruse's 6 family roles identified in recovery and addictions studies. We will be examining how family members have played these roles in their lives with the person struggling with addiction. The goal is to educate family members on roles they may play and how to work through them in recovery.
If you missed any of our previous educational webinars, please visit us on YouTube to catch up!